

01256 541515


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Kinesiology Taping

The Kinesiology taping service at Square One is a therapeutic and rehabilitative technique designed to provide support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting range of motion or circulation. Kinesiology taping facilitates the natural healing process of the body and provides soft tissue manipulation to enhance the benefits of manual therapy administered within a clinical setting.

Kinesiology tape targets different receptors within the somatosensory system to help alleviate pain and facilitate lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. This lifting effect forms convolutions in the skin to increase the interstitial space between the soft tissue structures and allows for a decrease in inflammation of the affected areas. Kinesiology tape is comfortable to wear, lightweight and can be used for many common injuries such as low back pain, knee pain, shin splints, ankle sprain and tennis elbow.

Kinesiology tape provides relief through sweat and humidity and can even be worn in water because of the specially designed adhesive.

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If you have a question about Kinesiology Taping, please fill out your details and query and we will be happy to help.

Tel: 01256 541515

Email: info@square-one.uk.com

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